Pumpkin stuffed eggplant and anchovies. Step by step. The family grew
First thank you all for your messages, emails, calls ... it's amazing the love you have given me. The little guy is great but with an earthquake at home that will serve two years sometimes finding time is difficult, but try to go slowly returning to the routine to continue putting recetillas here.
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And after ... thanks go to the kitchen, I put these simple eggplant prepared by Carlos Arguiñano the other day and they are delicious. Ingredients
2 large eggplants 500 gr.
pumpkin 2 onions 2 cloves garlic
anchovies extra virgin olive oil salt
Cheese Black Pepper Preparation
We wash well eggplants, halved.
With a knife make an incision around the edge, careful not to get to the bottom and break the skin. Then make diagonal cuts to one side and then the other forming diamonds.
You can put them on a baking tray and cook about 25 minutes at 180 º or put them in the microwave on high about 10 minutes.
With the help of a spoon ripped flesh from the skin.
reserve the eggplant skin.
meat, I like to chop a bit with scissors so that there is any large piece.
We put in a pan or pan extra virgin olive oil and brown them peeled garlic cloves and chopped.
Add the chopped onions and let fry over low heat.
we incorporate the squash diced, let cook about 6 minutes.
add the flesh of the eggplant, cook a few minutes. We put a little black pepper and salt, with caution because the anchovies and add salt.
Finally add the chopped anchovies.
Mix ...
Fill with this mixture
skins of the eggplants.
We over grated cheese, in this case I put a few sheets of cheese with rosemary, and casseroles.
Certainly both the eggplant and squash have little energy value and are diuretic and it is a great recipe to take care of the line.