recently received many emails, and I thank you not know, is an injection of encouragement to continue working with the blog, questions, recipes you give me, wonderful words and even a complaint always welcome. Finally, several have told me that you are not going well croquettes, that you buy frozen and want to learn to make good homemade croquettes ... well here's my contribution, step by step to who decides to make them.
Ingredients 1 cooked chicken breast *
125 grams of ham
2 eggs 1 large onion 4 tablespoons flour
1 liter of milk (may not utilicéis all)
Nutmeg Oil extra virgin olive oil. To fry the better the Picual because it is the most enduring.
eggs (depends on size but we can use up to 5)
* `We can use the meat that we put in a stew, or prepare, put in the pan breast bone (ask me the half on the butcher), a piece of white bone, a leek, a couple of carrots, a few habicholillas and some sprigs of parsley. You can also add a couple of handfuls of chickpeas then discard. Cover with water. In the pressure cooker in 20 minutes will be ready in a little more normal pot. Strain out the broth and he can make delicious soups, rice ... I always like to have frozen a bit. Development
We cook the two eggs. Reserve.
cleared the breast bone and other ..
and chop the flesh.
Do the same with the onion
and ham.
We put in the pan extra virgin olive oil and add onion.
Fry onion over low heat.
When it starts to brown, we added the ham
climbed the fire and let it do a little, so let us all its flavor.
Add the meat.
We remove a couple of minutes.
stir well, the flour has to be done well because if not run a flavor of oil that we spoil all our cakes.
Put the milk to warm, we keep heat on low so it does not boil and leave.
And little by little with a ladle while we add milk stir.
added a little nutmeg, a pinch of salt (ham and care that takes a lot), if you like a little freshly ground black pepper is not bad, even a little ground ginger, this is already to your liking.
We are adding milk slowly and stirring rod until a desired consistency. Should not be too thick, and then when it cools it will and we want the patties are soft, let not the very liquid because then it will cost you much messing. Same with this comment does not help much but I am sure you are well.
Finally chop the egg very fine ...
and add it. We are not going to know the egg but I recommend that you do them because it gives the dough very gently.
Put the dough into a fountain, it is best to be short and wide, I always used to oven.
cover with kitchen paper to absorb moisture vapor.
And with plastic wrap.
When cooled put it in the refrigerator should be at least several hours, but it is best to leave the dough overnight. We take the mass
prepare a plate with breadcrumbs
and one with beaten egg
that I add a splash of extra virgin olive oil, once said that it helped me not to open I do not know if this is true but I do out of habit. This time I
Deleted flour, saw that made them famous Echaurren way and the truth is that I loved.
With the help of a teaspoon pick one portion of dough
we had for bread crumbs (I make small batches and so I find it more comfortable) and we shape.
After beaten egg should soak it good.
And finally in bread crumbs again.
And gradually end up with all the dough is wrong with the croquettes that this step is sometimes a bit tedious, but what I always say ... then very glad to get them out of the freezer and fryer and have lunch or a snack resolved.
I have gone 4-well plates:
Now only fry in hot oil until golden brown or freeze.
serve freshly made, although there who likes cold.
And YouTube:
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